Friday, April 1, 2011

Gurobi to introduce new Version 4.5 at the April 2011 INFORMS Conference

Gurobi Optimization will be introducing the newest release, Version 4.5, at the 2011 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research, to be held April 10 - 12, at the Chicago Marriot Downtown Magnificent Mile, in Chicago, IL.
Gurobi Optimization will be very active at this INFORMS Conference, with a technology workshop, exhibit booth and software tutorial. This is a great opportunity to find out more about what's coming in the Gurobi Optimizer 4.5 and to meet with the Gurobi team.

WorkshopGurobi Performance Marches On
Presented byDr. Robert Bixby, President and Co-founder, Gurobi Optimization

Dr. Gregory Glockner, Director of Engineering
LocationIndiana/Iowa room
TimeSunday, April 1012:00 pm-2:30 pm

(Since this is lunch time, we'll provide snacks and drinks for all attendees).
This workshop will review recent improvements in the Gurobi Optimizer. With Version 4.0, our emphasis was on the new Gurobi QP solvers, including QP simplex, QP barrier, and Mixed Integer QP. Version 4.5 is focused on performance and stability improvements in our LP algorithms and our flagship MIP offering. We will talk about some of the important ideas contributing to Version 4.5 and will conclude with a summary of current benchmarks. The workshop will also include presentations devoted to performance tuning of the Gurobi solvers and a discussion of best practices when building applications using the different Gurobi APIs.
Software TutorialWhen bad things happen to good models: staying out of numerical trouble
Presented byDr. Gregory Glockner, Director of Engineering
LocationMinnesota room
TimeMonday, November 810:30 am-11:20 am
Practically everyone in applied OR has heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out". What does this mean when solving models with Gurobi Optimizer? What types of models lead to computational difficulty? How do numerical issues affect the results of optimization models? Learn how to detect numerical issues, and see what you can do to avoid them and get the results you expect from Gurobi.
ExhibitGurobi Optimization
LocationSalon III, Booth 15
TimesSunday, April 106:30 pm-8:00 pm     Welcome Reception

Monday, April 118:00 am-4:30 pm

Tuesday, April 129:00 am-3:30 pm

1 comment:

  1. Highlights include:

    * Substantial performance improvements in our MIP and Barrier solvers:
    o A 31% improvement in overall MIP performance, with a 75 % improvement on models that take more than 100 seconds to solve.
    o A 14% improvement in overall barrier performance, with a 23 % improvement on models that take more than 100 seconds to solve.
    * Pay-By-The-Day licensing: A new short-term, low-cost licensing option that gives you the ability to dynamically adjust the number of licenses available to you in order to cope with variations in demand. The minimum license period is just one calendar day.
    * A new default automatic setting for choosing the algorithms used to solve LP and QP models: The new default uses the concurrent optimizer for LP models and the Barrier solver for QP models. The new defaults provide substantially improved overall performance.
    * A new heuristic for finding feasible solutions to difficult MIP models: This heuristic can be quite useful in cases where other approaches are unable to find a feasible solution.
    * Additional information is now provided for infeasible and unbounded models: Advanced users can now obtain an unbounded ray for unbounded models and an infeasibility proof for infeasible models.
