Sunday, March 6, 2011

comments on solving MIPs

Well, you know MIP solve times can be unpredictable, and sometimes it
comes down to luck. Formulating good MIPs is something of a black art;
and sometimes stupid things like the ordering of constraints can
affect solve times. That said, there are a few tips that may help:

1) Introduce as many cuts and lazy constraints as you can, based on
your knowledge of the problem.
2) When formulating MIP constraints, try to use formulations that give
tight relaxations. For instance, avoid Big-M formulations when
possible. If you have to use Big-M formulations, try to get tight
value for the M. If you have no clue how to get a good value of M,
formulate it as an indicator constraint, and CPLEX will try to find a
good Big-M for you.
3) In some cases, you can formulate your problem as a Linear
Generalized Disjunctive Program (LGDPs). LGDPs have a convex hull
formulation, which are theoretically gives the tightest relaxations
possible. The relaxations are usually either as good as, or better
than those obtained from Big-M formulations.
The downside is that convex hull formulations require far more
constraints than Big-M formulations, and sometimes this can make the
problem more complex. The paper linked describes ways of introducing
cutting planes to help speed up the convex hull formulations. Also, in
some cases you can further tighten the problem by performing what is
known as a "basic step".
4) There are other specific formulation tricks such as aggregation for
problems with degenerate solutions, aggregation to break symmetry and
so forth. All these require specific knowledge of the model.

Right off the bat, you can usually get a small to significant speed-up
if you use CPLEX >= 11's tuning feature, which can be invoked as
follows. CPLEX will probe your problem and spit out some suggested
cplex_options in the cplex.tune file.
option cplex_options 'tunefile=cplex.tune tunedisplay=2

This is also a good read:

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