Debian provides a way in which modules can be compiled from source and installed as Debian Packages (like RPMs) automatically, without manual compilation, editing of configuration files etc. Here is a summary of how to do this:
- apt-get install openafs-client module-assistant.
- module-assistant update
- module-assistant prepare openafs-modules
- module-assistant auto-build openafs-modules
- This will download the source files and compile modules for the kernel to make debian packages which can then be installed using dpkg.
- The configurations files are same, but are located in /etc/openafs instead of /usr/vice/
- Fedora doesnt seem to have a process of automating the compilation of modules for the kernel. Switch to Debian now
Installation is complete. Now we will configure the client to access AFS directories provided by Lehigh.
Edit /usr/vice/etc/CellServDB?
It should only have:
> #lehigh university
- vi /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell
It should only have one line: - see that you have directory /afs. It should have been created when we installed openafs RPMs.
- To start the client do
/etc/init.d/openafs-client start
上面都是网上coral wiki里面的内容
1. 在afs中 只有 这一个文件夹
2. kernel 的版本 i386_linux26
3. usr/ local/bin ln -s /afs/
4. cd
5. exim4 mailserver
6. ilm is the liscense manager
7. can not resolve trout hostname
solution: emacs hostname ->
8. rsync -a /usr/local/ilm ......
9. rsync -a*
10. bash.bashrc 和 .bashrc 区别, bash.bashrc是系统文件,
.bashrc是每一个user login 之后才更新的
11. option solver cplex12
12. /usr/local/cplex/21/bin/x86-.....
13. 别忘加path和export文件路径
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