最近几天终于把ubuntu LTS(long term version) 10.4 给机子安装完毕
1. 通过df -h 查看分区, 查看mount point 和 分区大小
2. 两个primary partition, \ , swap, 其余都是logical partitions
3. 安装NIS和NFS
dpkg-reconfigure nis
Enter Domainname as: fishy.domain
Edit /etc/hosts to include: <server-ip-address> server-name shark.ie.lehigh.edu shark
Edit /etc/adduser.conf to change to: FIRST_UID=6000
so that new uids on the client dont conflict with nis-ids.
Edit /etc/passwd to add as the last line:
Edit /etc/group to add as the last line:
Edit /etc/shadow to add as the last line:
Do ypcat passwd so see if nis is functional.
2. NFS
First move /home directory to something like /localhome. Make necessary changes in /etc/passwd so that locally created users are not affected.
在/passwd这个文件中修改 beluga的路径, 将/home改成 /localhome
Edit /etc/auto.master to include:
/home /etc/auto.home --timeout=600
Edit /etc/auto.home to include:
* -rw,intr,hard,tcp shark.ie.lehigh.edu:/home/&
Now do umount /home. And then, /etc/init.d/autofs start
用apt-get install安装autofs
service autofs start /stop
apt-get remove nfs-common
apt-get install nfs-common
fstab -> file system table
shark.ie.lehigh.edu:/home /home nfs rw, intr, hard, tcp 0 0
which means mount from shark.ie.lehigh.edu:/home to /home in the current file system
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